Friday, October 14, 2011

Discovered Drawing

A sketch I found in one of my art pads.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Contoooortion! I imagine her running after the villain, being chased by henchmen. They're in a train station/warehouse kind of place. The villain takes a sharp left to try to shake Mimmi off, but WAIT-she knows contortion. Using her momentum she jumps and slips under the space between a train and the floor, firing shots at those chasing her, hopping onto her feet once she's cleared the train and resumes the chase after the villain! That's totally whats going on here or she's doing some kind of tribute to Elvis.

Unyan Returns!

I think TC made up 'Unyan', I can't really recall making it up :S  Never mind, I made it up myself apparently.
From what I can remember I wanted some of my characters to have a catch phrase/word. 'Uke' was one, but had to change it after figuring out what it actually meant.
Though...Having a character say Uke would make for neat ironic comedy.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wild West Series II

Another illustration of Mimmi in the Wild West idea thing-o-ma-bob.
Chaps are super sexy, though not wearing jeans under them defeats the purpose.
And I'm all about purpose and practicality (after I get to draw sexy things, that is.)

Wild West Series

I've been thinking about doing a spaghetti western of the bounty hunter persuasion.
Using Mimmi, one of my original characters (OCs), as a pose/clothing tester.
She's kind of a mannequin for all my ideas.

Chick Theft

Something goofy I colored. Mimmi, one of my Original Characters (OC), running off with a chick.
I don't think she's getting away with it too successfully!


Nothing much to say about this one.
I got the outfit from this website: Haute Hippie Fur & Leather - ShopBop
I also found the shoes/boots there as well.
My process involved drawing out her body and pose first before adding on the clothes. I honestly did not know where this image was going, but I definitely like the turn out!